
Cynthia Goodin, widely known for her warrior-like vigilance and as a powerful intercessor, serves in the Church of Jacksonville as Intercessory Prayer Director. She is a noted speaker and leader of “Women around the Word.” To be sure, Cynthia is a prophetic intercessor and watchman on the wall in the city of Jacksonville, Florida. Her heart’s passion is to teach practical ways of “how” and “what” to pray; and to equip believers for their tasks and assignments ahead. She is convinced that intercessors have the power to change the world and carry out the will of God!

About the Book

In this book, you will discover the vital role of the intercessor. An intercessor is a navigator who acts as a link between parties; a mediator, or a go-between. Intercessors go before God on behalf of individuals. The person for whom you are praying is between you and God. What a powerful truth! How wonderful to see yourself praying and and interceding, only to witness the person’s life change. Only God can do that! But God needs a voice. You are that voice-the bridge, and someone’s lifeline. Don’t forget that! Every believer has the privilege of being used by God in effective intercession. Intercession is a mandate from God that advances His Kingdom here on earth.